Ultimate Freedom Club

When Kim came to me, she had a general feeling of overwhelm when it came to her business. As a mindset, healing, and spirituality coach, she knew she could change countless lives but was struggling with how to clearly express that to the world - How should she show up online? How can she make sure the right people are finding her? How could she position herself to stand out from the thousands of other coaches online? 

what we created

Though she wasn’t sure at first if she was ready for this process, she knew she had made the right decision after our first meeting. During our time together we:

  • Dug into her story and what matters to her. This work on her Brand Heart allowed her to connect deeply to her business and see that no matter what happens, this part of her brand would always be there to guide her.
  • Identified gaps in the market to determine how she could position herself to stand out from the competition and call in aligned clients.
  • Developed her brand story + messaging framework to take the guesswork out of how to sell and share her message in a way that will connect with her audience.
  • Created a brand design highlighting her personality and reinforcing her core messaging. And the templates + guides needed to implement it flawlessly
  • And overall, define how to articulate who she is + what matters to her in an authentic way that magnetizes dream clients. 

At the end of our time together, she finally had the clarity and confidence needed to show up online, sell her offers, and build an engaged community.


f***ing iconic brand design
sales page design
ultimate freedom club brand playbook
“ I have a playbook now for my business. I was mindblown - it was everything we talked about, and it flowed into a cohesive story. It added more clarity, and I loved how it was all laid out. I know what I want to do and know how to start building my business. I keep reading it - it excites me and gives me clarity on what my goals are. I could not have done this by myself.”
Workbook design displayed on an ipad for a mindset coach by soloboss design co
Social media design for mindset and spirituality coach by soloboss design co
Mood board for a mindset coach by soloboss design co
"Seeing the mood board was a total WOW moment. I wanted a luxury, trendy beach resort. Whimsical, splash of luxury, pop of color. I thought I sounded crazy about what I wanted, but you understood my madness. It was like I was speaking a mumbled language, and you somehow put it together. You need this as part of your business building.”
ultimate freedom club logo by soloboss design co
“How you managed to turn everything I said into a beautiful story. The questions you asked were so perfect that it created more clarity for me than I thought I even had.”

Now it's your turn.